How does the EU work? A two-day-long conference started with this title in Novi Sad. The aim of the conference held in the Europa dormitory is to introduce young people to the history and institutions of the EU, and how they work.
Around 30 young people took part in the conference. They got acquainted with the history, the structure and the aims of the European People’s Party. Gábor Berczeli: „The EPP is today too the largest defining political force in the area of European institutions, therefore it is where the directions and content of the EU accession and integration processes can be influenced.”
The participants could also listen to presentations about the institutional structure of the European Union and decision-making mechanisms. The acquisition of the basic information of this complicated system is a great advantage for the young people. Edit Bauer: „The European decision-making bodies and mechanisms influence our lives so deeply that I believe that it has become part of the general intelligence. Especially those people who wish to deal with European issues have to have a general picture to which institution to turn to if they considering solving a European issue.”
We all, but especially young people have to get acquainted with how the European union works – said István Pásztor, president of the AVH at the conference. „For those who sit here, it is essential to deal with these issues at the start of their career, not only on an introductory level, but also gaining knowledge that is comparable to, commeasurable and at least as good as the knowledge of the system of this country.”
The conference was jointly organized by the Bíró Károly Foundation of the AVH and Budapest-based Robert Schuman Institute. The Saturday sections will mainly deal with the challenges of the integration process.